Lalita Patipaksiri tied for 7th place in the Big West Conference Championship contested at the San Luis Obispo Country Club in San Luis Obispo, Ca., April 18 – April 20, 2010. Lalita shot 80-75-76 231 and finished in a tie with teammate Mariko Makabe.
Lalita said to George Pinnell, (coach) that “she hit the ball pretty well, but that her putting was not as good as she thought it should be”. Lalita relies on her short game and putting because she realizes that those elements contribute nearly 72% to the total score at the end of the day. Lalita is working on her setup and excessive movement during the stroke. “She is a good putter that will only get better” said Pinnell. ” Patipaksiri works hard on her game and prepares herself to be ready for any situation, Pinnell added.”