George Pinnell was invited to be a part of ESPN’s Base Productions show titled Sport Science that feature Alexis Thompson, the 16 year old phenom and recent first time winner of the Navistar LPGA Classic. Alexis was recently approved to play full time on the LPGA Tour when the Commissioner granted her request to become a member of the LPGA at age 16 rather than the Tour Policy of 18.
The Sport Science segment with Lexi, was centered on how an elite player can repeat a golf swing with such precision that few can obtain. Sport Science was also interested to compare Lexi’s current club’s with those manufactured in the 70’s. To do that they brought in Pinnell with his TrackMan and provided the data that Sport Science will use in their segment on Lexi.
Pinnell said, “Lexi’s swing speed topped out at 105 with a ball speed in the 154 mph range. Her balance is outstanding and contribute’s to her being so consistent with her path and face.”
Pinnell was involved in an earlier episode of Sport Science featuring Bubba Watson and Dustin Johnson.