Aaron Chang, La Habra Heights, CA. and Max Mylett, Chino Hills, CA., competed in the JDL @ Pico Rivera Municipal Golf Course in Pico Rivera, CA. Aaron shot a 9 over par 38 and tied for 6th place in the event. Aaron has to score less than +8 for the JDL event to pass the requirement that juniors have to play 3 tournaments at no more than +8 for 9 holes. So far Aaron has passed 2 times.
AJ Song, 10, finished in a tie for 9th place with a +10 (39). AJ needed to score a +8 or better to count toward the required 3 scores of +8 or better to move up into the SCPGA Junior Tour.
Max Mylett, 10 years old, is playing his first competition in the JDL and was quite satisfied with his score of 48 (+19). Max enjoyed the competition and is looking for his next JDL event and feels like he can improve on his score at Pico Rivera.
Good luck to Aaron, AJ and Max.