Leeyen Peralta, shot a one over par 28 to tie for 2nd place at the Heartwell Spring Classic, played on the Heartwess Golf Course in Long Beach, CA. Leeyen a birdie, 6 pars and 2 bogey’s. She told her coach, George Pinnell, that “I chipped in for par on number 2 and that the one over par made me so happy.” Additionally, Leeyen was happy to have her father tell her it was an AWESOME performance.
Kat Muzie finished in a tie for 5th place only a shot behind Peralta. Kat’s +2, 29 consisted of a birdie, 5 pars and 3 bogey’s. Grach So Hae Park, Irvine, CA won the event with an even par 27.