Jay Choi, Japan golf Tour Player, is currently leading the world in performance on the TrackMan Combine for the month of June. Last week, Jay took a Combine Test and scored 87.2 at The Oarai Golf Club, Japan. The test was conducted by Jay’s coach, George Pinnell, who was in Japan working with Jay for the week.
The TrackMan Combine is a standardized test that enables you to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your golf game. The Combine help’s you discover the clear correlation between your TrackMan Combine results and your success on the golf course.
Joy Trotter is currrently ranked 7th (Women) for 2013 with a score of 83. Joy play’s on the LPGA’s Symetra Tour. Michelle Thompson is ranked 20th for 2013. Michelle will play for Cal State Fullerton in the Fall.
Anyone can join the TrackMan Combine experience by going to www.mytrackman.com and signing up (no charge). You will then have access to all of the information and score’s posted on the My TrackMan site.