The movie, The Million Dollar Arm, is a recently released, full length film, that features Tom House and his journey from a MLB pitcher, to the pitching coach for the Texas Rangers, to the love of his life, the bio-mechanics of any motion that includes the throwing or rotation movement of the body. His love, is the teaching/coaching, to help others understand how they can perform better by utilizing the techniques he has learned both on the field and in the classroom. An amazing journey that comes out in the movie and the short video I have posted at the end of this update.
I came to know Tom, through his parent’s who were member’s of the Industry Hills Golf Club in The City of Industry, CA. Tom’s mother, each week, would ALWAYS bring in freshly baked, still warm, cinnamon rolls for the pro’s who were working that day. Needless to say, we were always in the shop when Tom’s, mother and father, showed up!
I was fortunate enough to read an article about Tom who was currently running a program at USC that was bio-mechanically based and it was geared to any athlete that had to make a throwing motion or a rotation motion (Golf). I called Tom and talked with him and Charlie Nootbaar to see how they might be able to help my player’s with strength and conditioning.
I should mention that Tom was a major league baseball pitcher and was the Texas Rangers pitching coach. As you will see in the video, Tom used some unusual techniques to help restore and lengthen the careers of many MLB baseball and NFL football player’s.
I asked if I could bring in player’s that were interested in the bio-mechanical movements and conditioning aspects of swinging the golf club with the proper rotation associated with the swing. They had worked with LPGA and PGA Tour players so off we went. To date we have had Jay Choi work with Tom and Charlie along with Lalita Patipaksiri, Joy Trotter (who is shown in the video), Matthew Huo and Michelle Thompson.
It is interesting to see who might be working out with Tom and Charlie on any given day. One might see Tim Tebow, Tom Brady or a mix of MLB baseball, NFL lineman or receiver’s and maybe a volleyball or tennis player.
We continue to use Tom’s service’s and believe that he is the best in the business as indicated by the following video that include’s many sport’s figure you will recognize.