Crystal Wang, a junior at Diamond Bar High School, competed in the AJGA Girls Championship, played at The Furman Golf Club, Greenville, S.C. Crystal was not happy with her opening round 79 that was a result of her not adjusting to Furman’s green’s that are crowned and fast. The green’s are bent grass that are very smooth and require’s practice to get used to the faster grass that Crystal is used to putting on.
Crystal Wang
CW’s, second round 74 was better as she made 3 birdies, 3 bogies and a double. Her final round 74 was ok, but again she was not used to the green speed and slope that gave her trouble with her short game consistency.
September 1, marked the beginning of the college recruiting season when college coach’s can contact 2018 graduate’s directly. Crystal, who is ranked 56th in the Junior Golf Scoreboard Rankings, has been involved in sorting through the email’s and telephone call’s she has received from a variety of Universities who are interested in her playing for their program. Below is a list of school’s interested in Crystal:
University of Illinois (Big Ten)
University of Oregon (Pac 12)
Northwestern University (Big Ten)
Gonzaga University (West Coast Conference)
University of Wisconsin (Big Ten)
UC Davis (Big West)
San Diego State (Mountain West)
Rutgers University (Big Ten)
Wisconsin University (Big Ten)
University of Kentucky (Southeastern Conference)SEC
University of Maryland (Atlantic Coast Conference) ACC
There will be more school’s in the future that will want to talk with Crystal about her interest in their university. Stay tuned!